Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Disappointment is an emotion that families seem to experience early as they become increasingly involved in caring for a loved one. A leading cause of disappointment is the expectation that Medicare will pay for 100 days of care in every case and that it pays for long term care.


For instance, when a parent begins the “revolving door” cycle – they fall, they go to the emergency room, they are admitted for treatment, then they are discharged to inpatient rehabilitation – the family learns about the limits of Medicare coverage.


Medicare coverage is often terminated well in advance of the maximum of coverage of 100 days. Much of the time, we are happy to see even 20 days covered. Medicare stops when the medical need for skilled care plateaus. This news is a punch to the gut. Another common source of disappointment is the realization that other family members are not going to help the primary caregiver — ever. Whoa! Another gut punch!


Disappointment often delays a family’s ability to react to the ever-changing needs of their disabled loved one. There just aren’t many ways to deal with disappointment other than to realign your expectations and focus on the things that you can control.


We can help.


Become aware of what Medicare will/will not cover and stay in contact with the billing office. If Medicare terminates coverage, appeal the decision to gain more time.


See our vlogs Caregiver #3 – The Revolving Door: Who Pays for Inpatient Rehabilitative Services? and, Caregiver #4 – The Surprise Discharge from the Hospital.