Behind the Scenes of Caring for A Disabled Spouse

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

This blog series will explore the Elder Law issues at work behind the scenes as aging married couples, of average means and no long-term care insurance, become caregivers for each other. I will share with you how and why Long-Term Care Medicaid (“Medicaid”) is often the best solution for managing the care of a disabled […]

#2 – The Revolving Door: Admitted for Treatment or Observation

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

For family caregivers, certain events herald that significant change is on the way. One of these is the sudden appearance of the “revolving door” pattern. Mom suffers a medical crisis, goes to the ER, is admitted for a few days until stabilized, then discharged to inpatient rehab in a nursing home, then goes home. Then […]

#3 – The Revolving Door: Who Pays for Inpatient Rehabilitative Services?

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Your mom is working her way through the stages of the “revolving door” pattern. Now it is time for discharge from the hospital. In the event the patient needs inpatient rehabilitative services before going home, the question becomes whether the cost is out-of-pocket or covered by Medicaid A. The criteria for Medicaid A coverage is […]

#4 – The Surprise Discharge From the Hospital/Rehab: What Now?

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

At some point, a patient is discharged from the hospital or inpatient rehab facility because skilled care is no longer medically necessary. The driving force is that Medicare coverage for treatment has ended, and the patient is now on self-pay status, which they cannot afford. Hence the Notice of Discharge. The Notice of Discharge has […]

#5 – The “Tough Old Bird” Caregiver Needs Help

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Every caregiver will tell their family that they are all right at some point. Outwardly, they may even look like they are “holding up just fine.” The passage of time tells a different story. A particularly brutal situation is where an elderly spouse is the main caregiver for their elderly mate who has dementia. The […]

#8 – Critical First Steps for Caregivers of a Disabled Parent

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

The job of caregiver sometimes starts abruptly or over time. Once you realize that you are that person, there are critical first steps to take to ensure success. Ask your parent to see a copy of their Durable Power of Attorney and Healthcare Directive, particularly if your parent is no longer independent with one or […]

#9 – Show Me The Money Trail

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

It is common for adult children caregivers to take over managing their parents’ money and paying the bills. This often starts as an administrative task. The child caregiver moves money between accounts when necessary and writes out the checks each month. Access to bank accounts is on a permission basis and prepared checks are presented […]

#10 – Contracting for Nursing Home Services

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

One of the most stressful situations for a caregiver is having to sign the admission’s contract for a parent with a Skilled Nursing Facility. The document is long, has chapters, sections, and exhibits. Every other page mentions “waiver” of this and that. The admissions person is eager to get the new resident signed in. The […]