Confused About Medicare and Medicaid?

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Medicare becomes a person’s healthcare insurance when they turn 65. It pays for doctor visits, prescriptions, hospitalization, emergency care, and rehabilitative care. It pays for skilled medical care that stabilizes, improves, or cures the patient’s condition. Once skilled care is no longer needed, but the patient is not independent with activities of daily living, then […]

To Qualify for Long-Term Care Medicaid – STOP THIS NOW!

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Long Term Care Medicaid has financial limitations on assets in order to qualify financially. The social worker assigned to the application needs to understand the history of gifting, account closures, the origin of money deposited into an account, and whether withdrawals from an account were used to purchase goods and services at fair market value. […]

Preserve Your Right to Appeal for a Jury Trial

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

I review nursing home and assisted living admission contracts for my Elder Law clients fairly regularly. I just read language in a contract that I have never seen before. The section was titled “Binding Arbitration”. Arbitration provisions are common in admission contracts. It is against Federal law to require binding arbitration as a prerequisite to […]

Does a Nursing Home Patient Have Legal Rights?

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Every patient in a Medicare/Medicaid certified long term care facility has certain protections under state and federal law. The Federal law is applicable to every facility in the country. State law often reflects the basic rules set out in the Federal statute, but will also contain rules particular to the state in question. The patient’s […]

Paying a Family Member to Provide Care: The Medicaid Rules

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Adult children regularly provide assistance to their parents for activities of daily living. The time spent ranges from several hours per week to twenty-four hours a day. Many times, the adult child will take uncompensated leave from work or even retire to provide care to a parent. The parent often wants to pay their child […]

Proven Path to Vaccination in Delaware

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

There are seemingly multiple routes in Delaware to getting your Covid vaccination. The State of Delaware now has a tried-and-true system that will take you from registration through both vaccination shots. There are other paths to vaccination such as pharmacies and your personal physician. The first step in the State system is: Go to […]

What Happens To My Estate When I Die? (Do I Even Have One?)

Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Everyone has an estate when they die, regardless of wealth. An estate is anything tangible and intangible that you have an ownership interest in. It begins with the clothes on your back and builds from there. Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing. An estate is administered over the course of the year after death. […]