Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Managing the care of a loved one is a journey fraught with peril. The route taken inevitably leads past the Sirenum Scopuli, a cluster of three menacing Islands off the coast of Capri. The sirens of Greek Mythology are said to dwell along their shores.

As caregivers sail past, the Sirens emerge from the shadows, with their part animal, part woman silhouette – athletic, beautiful – barely and suggestively visible. They present as lay people Long-Term Care Medicaid planners, loving family and friends, and sometimes as well-intentioned social workers.

The Sirens gesture to come closer to where the water runs shallow and submerged rocks lurk. Their song is sweet and irresistible:

“Come hither – we can protect your assets and Long-Term Care Medicaid will pay for your loved one’s care.”

“Attorneys change too much, make the application process too complicated, and take too long,” they sing.

“We will do it cheaper, faster, and easier” is the alluring refrain.

Come hither the caregivers do. It feels so good, so right. The Sirens’ song is ever more sweet and alluring as the caregiver’s ship flounders upon the rocks.1


1 Mythology has it that Odysseus is one of the few sailors to successfully navigate past the islands and the sirens’ alluring call. He did it with the help of professional sailors who, having learned to protect their ears from the Sirens’ voices, lashed Odysseus to the mast so he could not heed their call. Let our trained, licensed attorneys with the Delaware Elder Law Center help you navigate the Long-Term Care Medicaid and Asset Protection processes and successfully stay off the rocks.