Happy Holidays 2023, Now Is The Time, Wade's Words

Laura Lite called The Center today. She’s in town from South Carolina for a week to care for her mom, Betty. This is the third time in the past year that she has had to take off from work. Her boss is understanding but is becoming concerned. I could hear the stress in her voice. She anxiously asked if we could help her in any way.


Laura went on to explain that “my mom keeps falling. A neighbor found her on the floor and called an ambulance. It was a bad fall. She hit her head on the kitchen counter and her hip is killing her. She’s in the hospital now. The doctor is already talking PT and OT. I’m scared and feel so alone. I’m an only child. It’s just mom and me. I don’t know… are they going to take her house…all of her savings? I don’t know where to start…what to do.”


“We can help you,” I said. “Okay, deep breaths. Your mom is not going to lose her house and all of her savings. We can talk more about this when you come in. Right now, here’s where to focus your attention.”


“When you get to the hospital, ask for the status of her admission. Was she admitted for treatment or just observation. Then ask out how many midnights your mom is expected to stay before discharge. It sounds like she is going to need inpatient rehab when she is released. For Medicare to pay for her rehab, she must stay through at least three midnights. If she was admitted for observation or stays less than three midnights, then her PT/OT is her financial responsibility. Appeal any adverse ruling. Laura, you are not alone. We will see you soon, take care.”